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Cinematic Tragedy

Usually I would start one of these out by saying how grateful I was to see an early screening of a film, but this time around, I am thankful for the chance, but wish I had skipped it. Going into director Terrence Malick's newest film, Song to Song, I was expecting a sex and drama filled story of the music scene in Austin Texas, what I watched was 2.5 hours of the most confusing films I've ever seen. While I was expecting it to one of those somewhat typical indie romances, this movie was anything but typical. If you look at the online plot description this film is called out as a "modern love story" featuring two couples. One, is this is a modern love story, I am sad that this is what love is considered. Two, it was NOT between two couples, it was between the long list of people that Rooney Mara and Ryan Goslings characters slept with, then throw in whatever the confusing relations between Natalie Portman and Michael Fassbender's characters.

If you know me, you know I typically can find a glimmer of magic in any film I see. This one, other than an amazing cast lineup, was bleak and filled with nonsense. My movie date and I even left after 2 hours, because we were so damn confused. The way the picture was filmed was just a nightmare. You never knew where you were, who was on screen and what time period you were in, then throw in some weird as hell black and white movie murder scene. There is a scene where Rooney, Michael and Ryan are running around a beach acting like monkeys..... I had NO idea and still have no idea what was going on. Then if things weren't already terrible, add in god awful constant narration. It honestly saddened me to see such a promising line up of stars in this, as most of these are Oscar winners and nominees. Yes, every actor/actress does a weird indie film, but god this was out of left field.

As someone who loves movies, I honestly have to warn viewers to not see this. Do not waste your money and evening, all you will get is a headache and down right hatred towards indie films. I give it a 1 out of 10 stars.


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